The widthproperti di CSS menentukan lebar area konten elemen. Area "konten" ini adalah bagian di dalam padding, border, dan margin elemen (model kotak).
.element ( width: 80%; )
Dalam contoh di atas, elemen yang memiliki nama kelas .wrapakan menjadi 80% selebar elemen induknya. Nilai yang diterima adalah salah satu nilai panjang, selain beberapa kata kunci yang akan kami bahas nanti.
Lebar dapat diganti dengan properti yang berkorelasi erat min-width dan max-width.
.wrapper-1 ( width: 100%; max-width: 320px; /* Will be AT MOST 320px wide */ ) .wrapper-2 ( width: 100%; min-width: 20em; /* Will be AT LEAST 20em wide */ )
Menggali lebih dalam
Saat menggunakan persentase (%) untuk lebar, penulis harus menyadari bahwa persentase didasarkan pada induk elemen, atau dengan kata lain, lebar blok penampung. Jika orang tua Anda disetel pada 480px - seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh demo kami - maka persentasenya didasarkan pada nilai itu. Jadi dalam kasus kami, 50% dari 480px menyisakan kami dengan 240px sebagai nilai piksel yang dihitung.
Catatan yang widthberlaku untuk semua elemen kecuali elemen yang tidak diganti atau sebaris, baris tabel dan grup baris (yaitu thead, tfootdan tbody). Tampaknya ada sedikit ketidakcocokan sejauh bagaimana HTML mendefinisikan elemen yang tidak diganti dan bagaimana CSS mendefinisikannya, tetapi kami merujuknya seperti yang dilakukan CSS: elemen yang kontennya tidak ditentukan oleh tag itu sendiri, sepertiCodePen Embed Fallback
Keyword values
With some special keyword values, it is possible to define width (and/or height) according to the content of the element.
The min-content value is the smallest measure that would fit around its content if all soft wrap opportunities within the box were taken.
The best example for this kind of value is a properly written figure element:
What a lovely kitten we got there in this image which is encapsulated in a figure element. How dear, look how long this caption is!
Once we have applied some basic styles to this markup, we get:
If we wanted that figure element to essentially be the size of that image, so the text wraps at the edges of the image. We could float it left or right, because float will exhibit that same kind of shrink-to-fit behavior, but what if we wanted to center it? min-content allows us to center it:
Because we’ve assigned min-content to the figure element, it takes the minimum width it can have when taking all soft wrap opportunities (like spaces between words) so that the content still fits in the box.
The max-content property refers to the narrowest measure a box could take while fitting around its content - if no soft wrap opportunities within the element were taken.
Check out what happens if we apply this to our simple kitten/figure demo:
Because the caption is very longer than the image is wide (it doesn’t take any soft wrap opportunity, like the spaces between words), it means it has to display the caption on a single line, thus the figure is as wide as that line.
???. One of life’s great mysteries.
The fit-content value is roughly equivalent to margin-left: auto and margin-right: auto in behaviour, except it works for unknown widths.
For instance, let’s say we need to center an inline navigation across the page. Your best bet would be to apply text-align: center to the ul, and display: inline-block to the li. This would give you something like this:
However, the blue background (from the ul element) spreads across the entire document because the ul is a block-level element, which means its width is restricted only by its containing element. What if we want to have the blue background collapsing around the list items? fit-content to the rescue!
With fit-content and margin: 1em auto, this works like a charm and only the navigation has a colored background, not the whole document width.
If you’re into this sort of thing, you’ll be happy to know the formula to define the size of a fit-content length is: